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    Andrea Salustri / spot


    Movement, Manipulation and Sound in Interplay

    The show of the italian artist Andrea Salustri moves in the intersections between contemporary dance, juggling and music. MATERIA is a choreography for several polystyrene forms and a human being.

    MATERIA explores the possibilities of a material, Styrofoam, to the point where it becomes the protagonist of the action on stage. The role of the performer shifts to that of the mediator and the focus is constantly negotiated between object, manipulator and manipulatrix. The play does not attempt to force a narrative, but allows the audience to project their own narrative onto the images presented on stage. Within a set score, the objects are free to act and take the initiative.

    The philosopher Andrea Salustri hails from Rome, where he started out as a street artist. He then moved to Berlin to study dance and choreography at Tanzfabrik and HZT Berlin. Today Salustri lives in Berlin and searches for new forms of expression in dance and juggling. 

    The new format “LA STRADA SPOT” presents with MATERIA two evening shows with selected presentations of the contemporary circus. The evening will begin in Tor40 with short films about “New Circus” by polish filmmaker Filip Jacobson. 
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    Age 5+PerformanceSchaulustVeröffentlicht am 12. Mai 2023 um 10:07 Uhr (Zuletzt Bearbeitet am 26. Mai 2023 um 11:13 Uhr)



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