• Ohne Titel

    First volunteer meeting 2017

    19.00h on 8th of May at theaterkontor

    Like every year the LA STRADA team needs support for our festival 2017!

    We need helping hands in working areas like stage building, selling or artist support. These are just a few working areas of a volunteer at LA STRADA!

    Our first meeting will take place at monday the 8th of May and we invite everyone who is interested and open minded for volunteer working. We will explain everything about the festival and your possible tasks there and you will get the chance to aks all of your questions.

    The meeting starts at 19.00h at theaterkontor!
    We are grateful for every helping hand!

    Please register in advance!
    Get more information here.

    LA STRADAtheaterkontor
    Schildstraße 21
    28203 Bremen

    T +49 421 706582
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    Veröffentlicht am 9. März 2017 um 13:25 Uhr (Zuletzt Bearbeitet am 27. Mai 2019 um 15:53 Uhr)