The event area is located in the Wallanlangen in front of the Kunsthalle, on the Marktplatz (Am Markt) and next to the Dom (Bismarck-Memorial).
You can walk between the two event areas within a few minutes.
With the bike
Bicycle parking is opposite the city library, Am Wall 201 and in the BREPARKhaus, Wilhadistr. 1 and many more. Here you can find all bicycle parking places in Bremen.
By public transport
With the Deutschland-Ticket you can travel to the festival cheaply. Here you can find the information.
Stops that are within walking distance to the events:
"Domsheide" and "Theater am Goetheplatz".
You can find your suitable connections here.
By car
BREPARK multi-storey car parks in the immediate vicinity can be found here: