• Ohne Titel

    Workshops for musicians and performing artists

    In the context of the networking project Poetic Invasion of the Cities substituted by the EU, LA STRADA – International street performance festival will once again organise two exciting workshops. Registrations will be accepted from now on.

    #2 Taraf Urban

    Workshop for musicians and performing artists

    From 26 to 29 March 2019 a musical and performing workshop ending with a presentation in public space will be taking place at the theaterkontor Bremen. Participants will be divided into musicians / singers and performers, each working with one artist. The groups will be reunited at certain intervals. The focus of this workshop is mainly on developing one’s own creativity as well as improvising./r/n

    For further informations about the workshops click here.

    What is PIC?

    For further information about PIC and the workshops click here.

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    Veröffentlicht am 12. Feb 2019 um 11:23 Uhr (Zuletzt Bearbeitet am 25. Sep 2019 um 13:51 Uhr)