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    LA STRADA DIScovers blumenthal 2020

    On June 13th and 14th LA STRADA will again play in the former Bremer Wollkämmerei in Blumenthal.

    The planning for Blumenthal 2020 has started and the date is set! One weekend before the big event in the city centre of Bremen LA STRADA discovers the BREMER NORDEN again and uses the former Bremer Wollkämmerei in Blumenthal. On June 13th and 14th the audience can expect a varied cultural programme there. All further information will follow.
    The review of LA STRADA in Blumenthal 2019 can be found here
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    Veröffentlicht am 27. Feb 2020 um 14:23 Uhr (Zuletzt Bearbeitet am 27. Feb 2020 um 14:18 Uhr)