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    LA STRADA goes north

    09 & 10 June 2018 in Bremen Blumenthal

    09 & 10 June 2018

    Following the great success of last year, this year LA STRADA will be going back to the north of Bremen for the second time. What's new is that the festival will be taking place for two days instead of one as was the case last year. Artists from all over the world will be presenting acrobatic acts, witty entertainment and music, of course. LA STRADA goes North is the festival for all those who can't wait for the event to start in the heart of the city.

    Information on the exact programme will be posted soon on this website.

    09 & 10 June 2018 on the premises of the Bremer Wollkämmerei

    An der Wollkämmerei 
    28779 Bremen

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    Veröffentlicht am 15. März 2018 um 11:07 Uhr (Zuletzt Bearbeitet am 26. Mai 2019 um 17:16 Uhr)