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    miniatures 2020

    On February 7th & 8th, 2020, miniatures - the festival of the small format - will take place again.

    The preparations for the popular festival, which focuses on sending and receiving, have already begun. From now on artists can apply with contributions for the festival. There is also a call to the audience to send things of special importance.
    While everything in the world is getting bigger and more complex, the miniatures festival focuses on smallness. Without the effect of impressing by size it sharpens the view of the visitors for the detail.

    Call to the artists
    Miniatures invites artists to interpret the subject of sending and receiving. It is invited to use cardboard boxes / packages as props, but this is not a requirement. Whether digital or analog, material or immaterial, we send and receive constantly and everywhere. But what happens if you question or fundamentally change the global dynamics of sending? Whether installation, game, dance or theater, the wealth of ideas knows no boundaries.

    Call to the audience 
    The people of Bremen are invited to send things that are of great importance to them to the theaterkontor: photos, letters, postcards, grandma's wig, the knick-knacks given to the wedding, or a stuffed animal that has been comforting for years.  Treasures that fall into your hands again, that have long been forgotten or have been in a certain place for years - in any case, they should be bearers of a special story. These things can either be artistically transformed and utilized or, in their original condition, can be returned to the sender. In any case, they will all be exhibited in the "Archive of Meaningfulness" during the festival.
    The important things should fit into a package and can be sent to theaterkontor until the end of September. Questions and information can be found in theaterkontor, 0421.706582 or info@theaterkontor-bremen.de
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    Veröffentlicht am 24. Sep 2019 um 12:32 Uhr (Zuletzt Bearbeitet am 24. Sep 2019 um 12:42 Uhr)